Wow! Where do I even begin? :) It blows my mind that I have been Mrs. Peterson for nearly two months already! It has been so much fun, super exciting, a little crazy but overall, really great and I love my new life and hubby more than words can describe! We have been SO busy so I haven't had a lot of time to update the blog, especially since we don't have the internet at the house we are renting for the summer so we have to go up to my in-laws to get it. Super annoying to not have it at our house but we love the house and it is such a great deal that we can live without the internet for a couple months. But today I finally had some time. Yay!
Our wedding: The day was perfect and things couldn't have gone any better. You always hear stories about the day of weddings being super stressful, that the bride and groom didn't have time to eat or really enjoy anything, so I REALLY tried to make sure that our day wasn't like that! I wanted to have fun and enjoy every second of the day because it only happens once and I didn't want to be stressed! I was so happy that everything went so smoothly and I can truthfully say that I wasn't stressed out about anything, it was wonderful! Now being nervous is a different story, though! ha. I woke up that morning and I was feeling great, not nervous, just excited. My awesome sister-in-law did my hair so I went over to my in-laws to get my hair done and do my make up. Then Devin and I drove to the temple because we had to be there earlier for paperwork and things. After that, we had the opportunity to talk to the man that was sealing/marrying us and that was really special. A few minutes later, a lady came in to tell us that our family and friends were being seated in the sealing room and I immediately got really, really nervous because I knew that that meant it was our turn to head into the room where we were going to be sealed for time and all eternity. I had so many emotions going through me because while I was really nervous, it wasn't because I was doubting anything, it was because I was finally marrying my best friend and the man that I love more than anything, in the Lord's house for all eternity! That is quite the feeling to know that I get to be with my husband and family throughout eternity. What an amazing blessing!
Our sealing was beautiful and it was so special to be there with all of the people that mean the world to me!
After our sealing, we took pictures outside the temple for a little while and then Devin's mom and family had planned a luncheon for all of our friends and family to get together and enjoy lunch on our special day, it was so great!
And now for the long awaited wedding photos :) They are not really in any specific order, enjoy!

A lot of kissy pictures, but hey, we just got married ;) |
The beautiful Snowflake Temple |
Coming out of the temple as Mr. & Mrs. Peterson :) |
This is one of my FAVORITE pictures, I am so happy that the photographer caught it! |
Love this guy :) |
Devin's Granddad and Grandma Gillespie on the left and Grandpa Peterson on the right |
One of my best friends, Heather and her husband Spenser. They came all the way to AZ from OR just for our wedding. They are so great! |
I have no idea what we were laughing at but I think its HILARIOUS! These are two of Devin's best friends and old mission companions, Tyler on the left and Colten on the right. Colten and Devin were companions when I got baptized :) |
This is one of my favorites too! Devin looks so handsome ;) |
I'm not very big on heels so I was bare foot most of the day. And for those who know me well, most other days too :) |
Our receptions: We had a reception in AZ the evening of our wedding day and then we had another one in OR the next Saturday. Both being from small towns, we had a lot of people in both towns that we wanted to be able to be at our receptions so we figured that we would have two so that both towns and all the people that we have grown up with could be involved. Both of the receptions turned out exactly how I have imagined and wanted them. I was so happy! We had so many amazing people that helped us at both receptions and are so grateful to have so many wonderful people in our lives that helped us make our day the best ever!
All of our nieces and nephews, except for the newest little guy, and Devin's littlest sister Braelynn in the middle. How adorable are they?? :) |
Dev and the nephews! A little bit impossible to get a picture of them all looking at once but its still super cute :) |
Me and the super cute nieces and my youngest sister-in-law! |
I LOVE this one! Its so cute and funny at the same time. These are all Devin's sisters. 8 of them :) |
The Peterson Family |
The Flood Family. Just a little bit of a size difference, huh? ha |
My sis and I |
Our centerpieces turned out so pretty, just what I wanted! The pictures don't do the decorations justice, they looked great in person :) |
We did a popcorn bar, cookies and fruit. I wanted to do something different than the typical finger sandwiches and things like that. I found the popcorn bar idea and loved it so we went with it and it turned out so great, and really yummy! We did a plain buttered popcorn and had a couple different seasonings to make it whatever flavor you wanted, a caramel corn and a white chocolate popcorn. I had never heard of the white chocolate until my mother-in-law brought it up and it was soo yummy! We also had peanuts, chocolate chips and peanut butter M&M's to mix in and make a trail mix! I loved how it turned out! |
Cutting our cake! |
We had talked about if we were going to smash the cake in each others faces at our reception and Dev said he wasn't going to do but I wasn't too sure that I trusted him so I was a little bit hesitant! |
But he did it nice and cleanly:) I was tempted to smash it in his face but I knew if I got him first, he would get me back much worse so I kept it clean too ;) |
My super cute niece, Triste, caught my bouquet! It was so great that she caught it because she had been carrying it around with her the whole night at the reception while I was in the receiving line. She told me she would "protect" it from the little kids and kept coming over to me every few minutes to check to see if I needed it yet. She was so excited when she caught it and told me all about how she was going to go home and put it in water! She is so cute!
Well the hubby will be getting home from work soon so I am off to get dinner started. Someday I will eventually get our blog all updated. Our honeymoon is next on the list, we had so much fun so I will put up the pictures soon. :)